"Netherlands and Belgium
In the Netherlands and Belgium, medical students receive respectively 6 and 7 years of university education prior to their graduation.
In the Netherlands, students used to receive four years of preclinical training, followed by two years of clinical training (co-assistentschappen, or co-schappen for short) in hospitals. However, for a number of medical schools this has recently changed to three years of preclinical training, followed by three years of clinical training. At at least one medical faculty, that of Utrecht University, clinical training already begins in the third year of medical school. After 6 years, students graduate as basisartsen (comparable to Doctors of Medicine). As a result of the Bologna process, medical students in the Netherlands now receive a bachelor's degree after three years in medical school and a master's degree upon graduation. Prospective students can apply for medical education directly after finishing the highest level of secondary school, vwo; previous undergraduate education is not a precondition for admittance." Fonte: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_schools#Netherlands_and_Belgium
Agora uma lista de universidades holandesas que tem o curso de Medicina:
- Universiteit van Amsterdam, Faculty of Medicine
- VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, Faculty of Medicine
- University of Groningen, Faculty of Medicine
- University of Leiden, Faculty of Medicine
- Universiteit Maastricht, Faculty of Medicine
- Radboud University Nijmegen, Faculty of Medicine
- Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Faculty of Medicine
- Universiteit Utrecht, Faculty of Medicine
Em amarelo estão as mais receptivas (pelo menos na minha época).
Mas nós do CsF não estamos presos à essa lista, podemos fazer disciplinas de outros cursos relacionados que tenham a ver com nossa área de pesquisa ou algo do tipo, é só entrar em contato com as unis para saber o que rola. Nesse caso, é Google total! Procurem por unis holandesas que tenham engenharia biomédica, biologia, neurociência, farmacologia, saúde pública etc...
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